boss drops

Boss Lvl LIMIT
1025 Dryad Shapeshifter dropped a Holy Grail of Strength! Equip Strength 1 none
Dryad Shapeshifter dropped a Argonaut Harpoon! Lvl 1025

1050 Doppelganger dropped a Whip of Justice! Lvl 1050
Doppelganger dropped a Shield of Triumph! Lvl 1000
Doppleganger dropped a Pegasus Wings! Energy 10 * none

1075 Roc dropped a Royal Helmet of Eclipse! Lvl 1025
Roc dropped a Crystal Spear! Lvl 1075
Roc dropped a Pegasus Wings! Energy 10 * none

1100 Mage Catwoman dropped a Force Armor! Lvl 1050
Mage Catwoman dropped a Fire Energized Dual Blade! Lvl 1075

1125 Golden Dragon dropped a Elder Staff of Wisdom! Equip Strength 25
Golden Dragon dropped a Arcane Fusion! Lvl 1100
X Golden Dragon dropped a Mask of Courage! Lvl 850 * none

1150 Gargoyle dropped a Master Sensei Katana! Lvl 1125
Gargoyle dropped a Life Drain! Lvl 900
X Gargoyle dropped a Tablet of Arcane Knowledge! Equip Strength 1 Equip Defense 1 5

1175 Phantasm dropped a Dance of Terror! Health 50 none
Phantasm dropped a Fruit from the Tree of Life! Lvl 950
X Phantasm dropped a Anaquani Golden Idol! Equip Strength 2 Equip Defense 5
1200 Harpy dropped a Blackfire Lvl 1000
Harpy dropped a Pegasus Wings! Energy 10 * none
X Harpy dropped a Gugalana Shaman Headdress! Equip Defense 3 10

1225 Quetzalcoatl dropped a Cursed Katana! Lvl 1150
Quetzalcoatl dropped a Ghoul Shield! Lvl 1075
X Quetzalcoatl dropped a Chariot! Equip Strength 2 Equip Defense 2 3

1250 Witch of Edenham dropped a Ghoul Sword!
Witch of Edenham dropped a Cursed Samurai Emperor Armor! Lvl 1100
X Witch of Edenham dropped a Witches Broom! Energy Regen 3 10

1275 War Zombie dropped a Yaotzin Shield! Lvl 1125
War Zombie dropped a Bladed Spear!
War Zombie dropped a Fruit from the Tree of Life! Health 50 none

1300 Vampire dropped a Gauntlets of Devine Protection! Lvl 1150
Vampire dropped a Hatchet of War!
Vampire dropped a Fruit from the Tree of Life! Health 50 none

1325 Beast Glatisant dropped a Saint Shield! Lvl 1150
Beast Glatisant dropped a Wind Bow!
X Beast Glatisant dropped a Sacred Lion Force Mask! Equip Strength 10 Equip Defense 10 1

1350 Pythoness dropped a Crystal Sword!
Pythoness dropped a Master Thief Dagger!
X Pythoness dropped a Cloak of Darkness! Equip Defense 3 5

1375 Bat Queen dropped a Red Dragon Pauldron!
Bat Queen dropped a Two-handed Great Sword!
X Amulet of the All-seeing Eye Equip Strength 2 Equip Defense 4 5

1400 Enraged Yeti dropped a Medusa Shield!
Enraged Yeti dropped a Dagger of Persephone!
X Enraged Yeti dropped a Necklace of Infused Energy! Equip Strength 1 Equip Defense 1 5

1425 Drakeind dropped a Fruit from the Tree of Life! Health 50 none
Drakeind dropped a Pegasus Wings! Energy 10 none
X Drakeind dropped a Ring of Vitality! Equip Strength 2 Equip Defense 2 5

1450 Deadly Giant Sandworm dropped a Dragon Lord Boots!
Deadly Giant Sandworm dropped a Pegasus Wings! Energy 10 none
Deadly Giant Sandworm dropped a Bone Bow!

1475 Spiked Beast of Algrith dropped a Fire Dagger!
Spiked Beast of Algrith dropped a Epic Barbarian Pauldron!
X Spiked Beast of Algrith dropped a Lion Claw Glove! Equip Strength 1 Equip Defense 1 2

1500 Necromancer dropped a Buster Sword of Fates!
X Necromancer dropped an Al Azif Arcane Texts! Equip Strength 1 Equip Defense 1 5 Max Energy 5 Max HP 10 HP Regen +2
Necromancer dropped a Legendary Warrior Boots!

1525 Blue Drake dropped a Crystal Sword!
X Blue Drake dropped a Majestic Cloak! Equip Defense 2 5
Blue Drake dropped a Black Knight Bracers!

1550 Earth Eater dropped a Dragon Slayer Armor!
Earth Eater dropped a Fruit from the Tree of Life! Health 50 none
Earth Eater dropped a Pegasus Wings! Energy 10 none

1575 Horned Lemia dropped a Great Axe of Brutality!
Horned Lemia dropped a Pegasus Wings! Energy 10 none
Horned Lemia dropped a Fruit from the Tree of Life! Health 50 none

1600 Seductive Enchantress dropped a Mystic Tridaxe!
Seductive Enchantress dropped a Noble Armor of King Algadon!
X Seductive Enchantress dropped a Book of Life! Health 100 5

1625 Lochview Warrior Priestess dropped a Pegasus Wings! Energy 10 none
Lochview Warrior Priestess dropped a Fruit from the Tree of Life! Health 50 none
X Lochview Warrior Priestess dropped a Seal of Solomon! Equip Strength 15 Equip Defense 15 1 Max HP 50

1650 Bloodthirsty Pirate dropped a Helm of Freya!
Bloodthirsty Pirate dropped a Great Scimitar!
X Bloodthirsty Pirate dropped a Mystical Jewelry Box! Equip Strength 1 Equip Defense 1 5 Max Energy 5 Max HP 5 HP Regen +5

1675 Chrysaor dropped a Demon Gloves!
Chrysaor dropped a Spear of Lugh!
X Chrysaor dropped a Statue of Demon Empowerment! Equip Strength 1 Equip Defense 1 5 Max HP 5

1700 Champion Apostle dropped a Titan Armor!
X Champion Apostle dropped a Weeping Stone of Tabel! Equip Defense 4 5

1725 Notus Wind God dropped a Dragon Lord Sword!
Notus Wind God dropped a Sky Helm
X Notus Wind God dropped a Sexton of Worlds! Max HP 20 5

1750 Siren Grand Mistress dropped a Sword of Nuadha!
Siren Grand Mistress dropped a Royal Armor of Afgard!
X Siren Grand Mistress dropped a Queen Matilda's Goblet of Protection! Equip Defense 2 5

1775 Troll of Earldom dropped a Master Boots!
Troll of Earldom dropped a Axe of Ghedron!
X Troll of Earldom dropped a Coin of Mystical Enforcement! Equip Strength 1 Equip Defense 1 5

1800 Lilith the Seductress Demon dropped a Hammer of Durod!
Lilith the Seductress Demon dropped a Fruit from the Tree of Life! Health 50 none
X Lilith the Seductress Demon dropped a Blood Magic Goblet! Equip Strength 1 5

1825 Liche dropped a Master Blade!
Liche dropped a Celtic Shield!
X Liche dropped a Coin of Prosperity! +5000 Gold/5 min +1000 Gold/Day 5

1850 Naga dropped a Master Bow!

X Naga dropped a Naga Emerald! Equip Defense 2 5

1875 Griffin dropped a Beast Claw Gauntlets!
Griffin dropped a Dark Sword!
Griffin dropped a Pegasus Wings! Energy 10 none

1900 Troglodyte dropped a Enchanted Dagger of Despair!
Troglodyte dropped a Legendary Jursons Leather Armor!
X Troglodyte dropped a Mystical Token of Baldor! Max Energy 10 Max HP 10 5

1925 Leech Wyrm dropped a Titan Legs!
Leech Wyrm dropped a Mace of Hyperion!
X Leech Wyrm dropped a Everlasting Flower of Euphisas! Max HP 25 5

1950 Erinýes dropped a Master Spaulder!
Erinýes dropped a Golden Crossbow of Coeus!
Erinýes dropped a Pegasus Wings! Energy 10 none

1975 Grendel dropped a Golden Boots of Aether!
Grendel dropped a Mystical Horn Knight Lance!
X Grendel dropped a Ash of Seva! Equip Defense 2 5

2000 Serpentius Centurion dropped a Hemera Shield!
Serpentius Centurion dropped a Assassin Push Blade!
Serpentius Centurion dropped a Pegasus Wings! Energy 10 none

2025 Kraken dropped a Dark Priest Helm!
Kraken dropped a Trident of the Sirens!
Kraken dropped a Pegasus Wings! Energy 10 none

2050 Hobgoblin dropped a Nyx Mystic Armor!
Hobgoblin dropped a Golden Hammer of Crius!
X Hobgoblin dropped a Token of Queen Maude! Equip Defense 2 5

2075 Wyvern dropped a Golden Gauntlets of Erebus!
Wyvern dropped a Skull Flanged Mace!
X Wyvern dropped a Uluro Opals! HP Regen +2 5

2100 Pazuzu dropped a Ork Armor!
Pazuzu dropped a Selturs Scimitar!
X Pazuzu dropped a Ouroboros Ring! Equip Strength 1 10

2125 Hydencek dropped a Unicorn Shield!
Hydencek dropped a Spear of Light!
X Hydencek dropped a Book of Gaf! Equip Defense 1 5

2150 Werewolf dropped a Blue Dragonknight Warskirt!
Werewolf dropped a Barbarian Spiked Sword!
X Werewolf dropped a Cloak of Power! extra dmg 100 1

2175 Wyrm dropped a Sun Sword!
Wyrm dropped a Golden Legs of Zephyrus!
Wyrm dropped an item! You now own a Fruit from the Tree of Life! Health 50 none

2200 Bunyip dropped a Spiked Pauldron of Tethys!
Bunyip dropped a Vampire Blade!
X Bunyip dropped a Demon Wings! +2 Energy/5 min 15

2225 Shadow Mimic dropped a Shield of Chaos!
Shadow Mimic dropped a Dark Mage Dagger!
Shadow Mimic dropped a Sacred Ark of Protection! Equip Defense 1 none

2250 Great Minotaur dropped a Light Sword!
Great Minotaur dropped a Winged Helm of Ouranos!
Great Minotaur dropped a Holy Grail of Strength! Equip Strength 1 none

2275 Scyther Demon dropped an item! You now own a Oracle Helm!
Scyther Demon dropped an item! You now own a Fruit from the Tree of Life!
You gained 319520 gold, 2 credit(s) and 1931 experience by beating the Scyther Demon! 1 or 2 credits - very rare

2300 HellHound dropped an item! You now own a Golden Armor of Hiberis!
HellHound dropped an item! You now own a Holy Grail of Strength!
HellHound dropped an item! You now own a Pegasus Wings!
You gained 209 gold, 1 credit(s) and 2005 experience by beating the HellHound!
You gained 318107 gold, 2 credit(s) and 1900 experience by beating the HellHound!

2325 Lusca dropped an item! You now own a Gallant Knight Bracer!
Lusca dropped an item! You now own a Fruit from the Tree of Life!
Lusca dropped an item! You now own a Pegasus Wings!
You gained 59832 gold, 1 credit(s) and 1985 experience by beating the Lusca!

2350 Legendary Bounty Hunter dropped an item! You now own a Great Warrior Axe!
Legendary Bounty Hunter dropped an item! You now own a Pegasus Wings!
Legendary Bounty Hunter dropped an item! You now own a Fruit from the Tree of Life!
You gained 665520 gold, 1 credit(s) and 1997 experience by beating the Legendary Boounty Hunter!

2375 Hippocampus dropped an item! You now own a Skullcrusher Dagger!
Hippocampus dropped an item! You now own a Dragon Warrior Taset!
Hippocampus dropped an item! You now own a Pegasus Wings!

2400 Lamia dropped an item! You now own a Spear of Destiny!
Lamia dropped an item! You now own a Prince Vortex Boots!
X Lamia dropped an item! You now own a Seal of Atlisa! +5 Equip Defense +5 Equip Strength +5 Extra Damage 5
You gained 122420 gold, 2 credit(s) and 2026 experience by beating the Lamia!

Copia dropped an item! You now own a Pegasus Wings!
Copia dropped an item! You now own a Magical Mirror! +2 Equip Defense 4 of 10 10
You gained 1781941 gold, 2 credit(s) and 1968 experience by beating the Copia!

Robe of the Great Wizard Keltas +10 Extra Damage 5 of 10

Sphynx dropped an item! You now own a Goblin Amulet of Reflection! +1 Equip Defense +1 Equip Strength +1 Extra Damage 1 of 25 25
Sphynx dropped an item! You now own a Pegasus Wings!

2500 Lucason Hag dropped an item! You now own a Fruit from the Tree of Life!
Lucason Hag dropped an item! You now own a Pegasus Wings!
Lucason Hag dropped an item! You now own a Emerald Amulet of Achlys! +2 Equip Defense +2 Equip Strength 7 of 10 10

2600 Windigo dropped an item! You now own a Fruit from the Tree of Life!
Windigo dropped an item! You now own a Sacred Ark of Protection!

2700 Azazel dropped an item! You now own a Holy Grail of Strength!
Azazel dropped an item! You now own a Pegasus Wings!

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