Resources - INSOLAR
Business Description: Insolar is a technology company that connects solar customers with the best solar panel installers at the lowest prices in the market. Our mission is to make buying solar simple and efficient by connecting solar shoppers with the best panels, lenders and local installers.

FEB 17
Advertising and referrals are the two major ways that solar installers get customers

by FORKAIA / 3d

Do you know that advertising and referrals are the two major ways providing solar installers customers. 1. Advertising: Advertising is the most powerful marketing strategy. By doing something as simple as putting up an online ad or buying air time on a local radio station to increase brand recognition and customers. 2. Referrals: A referral happens when a customer gives an installer contact infor

Is Solar the Future?

by FORKAIA / 3d

Do you know what-Solar-Equals-Future question is an inevitable question which has caused heated debate among solar scholars. Solar power could be a major energy source in the future According to the annual long-term analysis of the future of the global electricity system – Bloomberg NEF (BNEF) publishes New Energy Outlook (NEO) 2018, solar and wind are set to surge to almost 50% of world generati

by hotjar


Understand how users are really experiencing your site without drowning in numbers!

Online Marketplaces Will Help Solar Installers

by FORKAIA / 3d

Online Marketplaces are good for buyers and Solar Installers alike. Installers can be easily frustrated with struggle to reduce their costs in marketing and advertising. This piece examines how an online marketplace can bridge the gap between the solar installer and homeowner, saving money and time by reducing the number of site visits needed to obtain bids and knowledge needed to analyze contrac

Pegasus Solar

by FORKAIA / 3d

, founded in 2012, is a leading designer and manufacturer of innovative rooftop mounting systems for solar installations. The company has a full suite of products in its portfolio, including the revolutionary rail-less LightSpeed Mounting system, comp L-foot support for rails, as well as the tile replace for rails. The primary goal of Pegasus products is to make solar installation faster, simple

Customer Acquisition Costs In Solar Drives Price Up!

by FORKAIA / 3d

The cost of acquiring new residential solar customers for installers has disappointed predictions, increasing in costs over the past several years, and will continue to increase before beginning to decrease in 2019, according to a new report from GTM Research. While the overall costs have gone down, the reduction comes mostly from hard costs such as solar panels themselves. Hard Costs for Residen

Application of Solar Energy In Agriculture And Horticulture

by FORKAIA / 3d

Do you know the Solar energy is beneficial to Agriculture and Horticulture. Do you know an increase of 3 degrees Celsius in global temperature could result in significant impacts on ecosystem by negatively impacting biodiversity. It could also cause severe disease duplication and outbreak and threaten water and food supply. According to World Farmers’ Organization, the global agriculture sector c

All you have to know about Solar Water Heating (SWH)

by FORKAIA / 3d

Heating your home with a solar water system can help you save a significant amount of money. There are two major types of solar water heating systems: active and passive. Active systems utilize solar energy to heat a fluid and transfer the solar heat directly to the interior space or to a storage container for later use. The system composed of five elements including a collector that capture sola

5 Ways Solar Energy Companies Can Improve Their Marketing

by FORKAIA / 3d

How can any one solar company use marketing to stand out and capture more of this hot market? The challenge is daunting because of the nature of solar energy itself: Nobody owns the sun, and one company’s clean electrons are identical to another’s. Based on Captains of Industry’s experience in branding and marketing for renewable energy companies, I’ve put together this guide. This article specif

4 Reasons Why You Should Date a Guy Went Solar

by FORKAIA / 3d

Reason #1: A house with solar means dude’s got the goods, well at least a house. Installing solar on a house you’re renting makes no sense so if he’s got it, that means he’s got it boo boo, go get your money. Reason #2: thinking ahead. To the future. Solar tells a girl that you care about the environment and the future of your children and grandchildren. He’s Mr. Right not Mt. Right Now which is

How Do Solar Panels Work?

by FORKAIA / 3d

You would agree with me if I say that most people don’t know exactly how solar panels work. They may know that solar panels absorb the sunlight and turn it into electricity but they don’t know what is hidden behind this operation. What equipment is a part of this process? How solar cells can influence energy production etc. This article will give you helpful material that will benefit you in the


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