Top Bar Menu
- Quests(1-65)
- Explore the Gardens
- Help Broker Peace Between Warring Clans
- Search through Treasures of a Lost City
- Venture into the Dungeon
- Destroy the Griffin
- Help Village Recover Crops
- Patrol the Castle Gates
- Fend Off a Goblin Strike
- Protect Villagers from Invading Forces
- Battle the Harpies
- Drive Bandits Out of the Temple
- Rebuild the Damaged Granaries
- Open the Gate of Ordin
- Protect the King from an Assassination Plot
- Combat an Evil Sorcerer
- Kill an Undead Warrior
- Raid the Wind Tower
- Examine the Ruins of an Ancient Fortress
- Lead the Hunt for Bandits
- Attack the Basilisk's Lair
- Defend the Castle Against the Attacking Giant Clan
- Rescue a Village Under Siege
- Repair the Oransted Watermill
- Drive a Troll Away from Earldom Bridge
- Defeat a Warlock that Terrorizes the Kingdom
- Infiltrate the Shadowknight Camp
- Quests(70-2300)
- Seek Wisdom from the Elders
- Defend the Eldertree from Attack
- Drive Off an Invading Werewolf
- Travel to the Enchanted Forest
- Delve into the Emerald Labrynth
- Banish Spies Seeking to Poison the Kingdom
- Storm the Scyther Demon Fortress to Free the Captured Princess
- Board a Ghostship that Appeared in the Eastern Sea
- Inspect the Under Water Temple of Doris
- Investigate a Cave within the Sacred Mount Parnassus
- Collect Items Required for Mine Excavation
- Excavate the Sageiron Diamond Mine
- Help an Ally Defeat an Attacking Pazuzu Horde
- Confront the Great Blue Drake
- Search for the Golden Key of Osric
- Enter the Mazed Fortress of Osric
- Help Azuria in a Raging War
- Carry Out Training Operations In Sun Valley
- Defeat a Cyclops Threatening Galenfeord
- Obtain a Cane of Dark Power from a Mystic Offering Rare and Powerful Antiquities
- Protect the People of Lanarea from a Viking Attack
- Find a Relic Powerful Enough to Unlock the Enchanted Tower of Sorrows
- Explore the Tower of Sorrows
- Defeat the Mysterous Soultaker Plaguing Indeos
- Search for the Throne of the Sorceress Queen
- Locate the Soulless Warrior Key
- Enter the Fortress of the Soulless Warrior
- Bosses(1-975)
- Mordoraf
- Manticore
- Hydra
- Sirens
- Yaotz Demon Lord
- Banshee
- Gold Golum
- Stymphalian Bird
- Lizard Warrior
- Succubus
- Nemean Lion
- Echidna
- Basilisk
- Cerberus
- Hippogriff
- Medusa
- Evil Goblin
- Gorg The Giant
- Chimera
- Gorgon
- Bhearghast of the Eye
- Evil Sorceress
- Black Dragon
- Scylla
- Evil Sorcerer
- Drider Warrior
- Drakon Maionios
- Cyclops
- Minotaur
- Snake Warrior
- The Fates
- Triton
- Glydon the Dragon
- Jez the Evil Jinn
- Bosses(1000-1975)
- Savage Amazon
- Phantasm
- Harpy
- Quetzalcoatl
- Witch of Edenham
- War Zombie
- Vampire
- Beast Glatisant
- Pythoness
- Bat Queen
- Enraged Yeti
- Drakeind
- Deadly Giant Sandworm
- Spiked Beast of Algrith
- Necromancer
- Blue Drake
- Earth Eater
- Horned Lemia
- Seductive Enchantress
- Lochview Warrior Priestess
- Bloodthirsty Pirate
- Chrysaor
- Champion Apostle
- Notus Wind God
- Siren Grand Mistress
- Troll of Eardom
- Lilith the Seductress Demon
- Liche
- Naga
- Griffin
- Troglodyte
- Leech Wyrm
- Erinýes
- Grendel
- Bosses(2000-2975)
- Loot
- Food
- contact
page revision: 17, last edited: 21 Jun 2010 00:58